Monday, October 14, 2013

Rest in Peace, Mr. Balls.

Mr. Balls was your typical over-the-counter pet store hamster. Scientifically speaking, he was Mesocricetus auratus - the Syrian hamster. Outwardly, however, he was a rather poor specimen. He was small - barely 90 grams, and he had an underbite which caused his ever-growing rodent teeth to curl against each other in odd, tusk-like formations. His teeth were monitored and clipped into a respectable shape every few weeks throughout his hamstery life. Mr. Balls died at the age of 2 3/4 years. We held onto his body down in our carcass freezer for a long time. The day finally came when I felt confident enough at small animal mounting to thaw it out, remove and treat the pelt, and attempt to stuff it....

Firstly, I constructed a wire & cotton frame, somewhat like I had done with FunnyBunny.  This was done as the pelt was soaking in the pickling agent.

After a few days the pelt was ready to be carefully applied over the frame.

It took about 2 hours of arrangement, but I was able to mount with skin, add the eyes and a bit of clay for support, and set the piece to dry. As a finishing touch, I positioned the digits on his left paws to be throwing the Horns: 

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